Unchangeable (Undescribable Book 4) Page 6
His concern for the traffic pisses me off. “So what?” I scowl. “The fuckers will be late to work.” I shrug carelessly. At least they’ll get there safe and sound. “The tow truck is on its way,” I say as I turn to walk away.
I take a few steps and look down when I feel something under my boot. My throat tightens when I see a little pink blanket with a unicorn in the brightest yellow on it. I bend down and pick it up. I give it a shake to remove the glass and broken pieces of the car, but the blood of the child remains on it.
It breaks my heart to think of what her mother and father are going through right now. No parent should ever have to go through this—losing a child.
I fold the blanket up and carry it with me back to my patrol car.
I get into my car and dispatch comes through my radio, “10-16 in progress.” Then they proceed to give me the location. Domestic trouble. Great! Just what I wanna fucking deal with right now.
I sigh heavily as I look at my watch. I’ve been off for over an hour. I’m tired and I’m grouchy as fuck. But that’s part of the job.
“2388 In route,” I say as I get the location before pulling away from the scene that will continue to haunt me.
I slow down as I come through the nice neighborhood—definitely upper class. It’s probably some housewife who allows her wealthy-ass husband to beat on her. I’m not trying to stereotype, but I see it all the time.
I pull up to the house that already has one cop car. A man is standing outside—his white shirt shredded as it hangs off of his chest and shoulders. His jeans dirty and falling off his body. His face is red with rage while a police officer that I know well by the name of Jimmy is standing in front of him as he speaks. I get out of my car and the guy is screaming.
“That is mine. I’m here to get it. As soon as I get it—I’m out of here,” he says pointing over the shoulder of the officer.
“What’s the problem?” I ask walking over to them.
Jimmy the officer I know looks to me. “He and his girlfriend got into it. She wouldn’t allow him to leave.”
Girlfriend? If he looks like that, then she must look like shit. He doesn’t seem like he would just sit back and take whatever a woman would dish out. I look the guy up and down with a scowl before I turn around in a circle looking over the very well-manicured, vacant front yard. “Looks like she’s not here to stop you,” I state, and Jimmy rolls his eyes. I have a problem with getting into trouble on the force. I’m not the best guy to send on a domestic dispute. I tend to make matters worse sometimes. My boss calls me a liability. I call it getting into character. Obviously, we have different opinions on how I need to handle things.
“She won’t let me have my truck,” he says pointing to the blue Chevy once again that sits in the driveway. He reminds me of a child—mad because his mother won’t let him play with his favorite toy.
“That’s because it’s not yours.”
I turn around when I hear a woman’s voice. Normally a woman in hooker heels and Daisy dukes would turn me on. But at the moment, I’m tired as hell and the fact that I just saw a little girl die has me on edge. I’m in no mood to put up with a couple who wants to fight out in their front yard only to make up tomorrow.
“What is going on?” I ask her, placing my hands on my belt.
She looks over at me and her dark eyes look me up and down with a scowl—as if I am a fucking rent-a-cop. I square my shoulders and bow my chest out. I don’t have time to mess with some bitch on a soapbox. And I sure as hell am in no mood.
She walks over to the Chevy, places her left arm on it, and leans up against it as if cool as a cucumber. It’s irritating.
“That’s my truck. I’m here to get it,” the guys says angrily.
She shakes her head. “I bought you that truck.”
“It’s in my name,” he argues.
“It’s in both of our name you jackass,” she replies with an eye roll. “And this house is in my name so it’s sitting on my property. Get your ass off of it,” she snaps.
I hold my hand up. “Wait...” I say turning to him. “You said she won’t let
you leave,” I say as I scratch my head confused. Did I hear him right a while ago? I am going on a twelve-hour shift and living off espresso shots from the drive-thru of Starbucks. I tend to hear things wrong at times—another reason why my boss calls me a liability.
“What?” she screeches. “You told them I wouldn’t let you leave?” she asks as she throws her hands around in the air. “I told you to get off of my fucking property. And what do you do? You call the fucking cops,” she yells.
I turn to face him to tell him that he needs to vacate the property, but I stop when his eyes widen to the size of quarters. “NO!” he yells.
Jimmy and I spin back around in time to see her exiting the garage with a bat in her hand. She drives the thing into the driver’s side of the door.
“You fucking bitch!” he yells as he starts to run to her. Jimmy grabs him and pulls him down to the ground.
“Sir. I need you to calm down.”
She places the ball of the bat on the ground and looks down at him with a smirk. “Still want it now?”
This chick is crazy! Like she eats a bowl of crazy for breakfast.
“Ma’am,” I say lifting my hand showing her that I haven’t pulled my gun out yet. I really don’t want to have to do the paperwork that goes along with shooting someone tonight. “You don’t need to vandalize the truck.” There’s no way we can make her give it up to him. This is something that will have to be addressed in a civil suit.
She snorts. “I know,” she says as she continues to look down at her husband, boyfriend, whatever he is.
“Well…” I say trying to find the right words. This chick is a total bitch. And I’m running out of patience.
“Just give it to me. I’ll leave,” he says as he struggles underneath Jimmy.
She shakes her head and then walks back into the garage and I turn to face him as Jimmy allows him to get up.
“Do you live here, sir?” I ask him.
“The bitch kicked me out two days ago,” he whines as he shakes Jimmy off him.
“Yet you keep coming back. Like a fucking cockroach.”
I turn back around and see her as she walks out of the garage once again. She pulls a knife out of her back pocket and before I can do anything, she stabs it into the front tire of the truck.
The guy runs past me and yanks her by the back of her top. He yanks her backward down onto the grass.
“You fucking bitch,” he screams in her face.
She lands a punch to his nose before I can yank him off her. I toss him over to Jimmy as I reach down to help her up. Her eyes narrow at me, and she shoves my hand away. “Stay out of this,” she growls as she shoots up to her feet.
Jimmy is in the process of putting the guy in handcuffs for assault when she runs toward him.
I tackle her to the ground before she can get to them. We hit hard as I knock her face down, her body under mine has her taking most of the blow.
“Get off me you son of a bitch,” she yells as she claws at the grass trying to get away from me.
I reach up, grab her arms, and force them behind her back. It’s not hard.
She’s small, and well, I’m a man. I don’t plan to arrest her; technically, she hasn’t done anything wrong. She wants to fuck up her own shit—well then she’s stupid but that’s not illegal.
I lean down toward her trying to place my weight on her to keep her from squirming. “Just calm down…”
BAM! She lifts up and knocks the back of her head into my face making my eyes instantly water and my head hurt.
“Crazy fucking bitch,” I hiss placing my knee into her back allowing me to get place handcuffs on her. Once done, I place my knee on her back to hold her down as I run my hand down my face and it comes up bloody.
“She is a crazy bitch.” Her—whatever he is—says from across the lawn as he rests
down on his knees with his hands cuffed behind his back. “She tried to chop my dick off this morning with a butter knife.”
“Not like you need that five inches,” she yells.
I watch as Jimmy’s eyes widen at her words. I bend down, yanking her up by her cuffed arms. “You’re under arrest….” I read her Miranda rights as I walk her back to Jimmy’s car. I throw her into the backseat as she yells at her boyfriend to go fuck himself. I slam the door in her face.
Running a hand down my face once again, I cringe from how sore my nose is. “Am I still bleeding?” I ask as I tilt my head back for Jimmy to get a look at it.
He smirks. “Yeah.”
“Fucking bitch,” I curse, and the guy still kneeling on the grass nods his head in agreement.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Jimmy asks. “Are you on day shift now?”
I shake my head. “No. I just finished cleaning up the wreck on I-55.” I tell him as I gently rub my nose with the back of my hand.
“Oh. I heard that one was bad.”
I nod. “It was.” It makes you sick how careless people can be. Take these two idiots, for example. They are fighting over a truck when the mother of that little girl is getting the news that her baby is dead and her husband was the reason for it. Sometimes I hate this job.
“Well, don’t worry about me. They’re both in handcuffs now, and there is another car on its way to help me take them in.”
“I’ll take care of it. No worries.” He nods to my car. “Go home and get some rest. You’re gonna need it,” he says looking down at my bloody nose.
“Go ahead and go home.” He gestures to my cop car.
“Thank you,” I say letting out a long breath. I’m so tired I could lay down and fall asleep on their grass right now.
I nod my head and thank him one more time before I head back to my car and head home. I’m tired and now I have a fucking headache from hell.
If you want to know more about Parker make sure to join his Facebook group- Parker’s Pussies. https://www.facebook.com/groups/851810814852057/
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Want more of the Undescribable series? Tate and Missy’s story, Unforgettable is available on Amazon and B&N as well as iBooks. Unpredictable, Parker’s book will be available late March 2015. Unchanging, Slade and Samantha’s Valentine novella will release Feb. 17th 2015. You can add them to you TBR list on Goodreads.
For more information about the author and her books, visit her website- www.shanteltessierauthor.com. You can sign up for her newsletter on her website or you can click on the link below. The newsletter is the only place to get exclusive teasers, first to know of current projects and release dates. And also have chances to win some awesome giveaways. http://goo.gl/4wd9CV
About the Author
Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their three-year-old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book.
She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly.
Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their cat and dog.
For more information about the author and her books, visit:
Website: www.shanteltessierauthor.com.
You can sign up for her newsletter on her website or you can click on the link below. The newsletter is the only place to get exclusive teasers, first to know of current projects and release dates. And also have chances to win some awesome giveaways. http://goo.gl/4wd9CV