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- Shantel Tessier
Donut Overthink It Page 7
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Page 7
I walk into work the following morning with my head held high, determined to make this day my bitch, when Millie stands from behind her desk. “Mr. Kyle and Mr. Kyle are waiting for you in the break room.”
My stomach drops. Why would both brothers wanna see me? I never meet with them together. I mean, yeah, I sit in on their meetings and take notes, but we didn’t have one scheduled for this morning. “Thank you, Millie,” I say roughly, and she frowns.
“Hadley!” Bianca, Asher’s assistant, comes up to me. “Good morning. How are you doing today?” She smiles brightly, and I wanna slap it off her face. Sometimes she gets on my nerves. “Asher and Aiden were looking for you earlier.” Then she lowers her voice. “You’re late.”
I refrain from screaming in her face. She doesn’t know I was almost arrested last night. And that my boss wants me to fuck in exchange for legal help. Pretty much the same thing I was almost charged for. “Millie informed me,” I say.
“Here. I’ll take those from you.” She removes the box of donuts from my hands and then bounces off toward the break room.
I swallow nervously and walk down the hall on shaky legs. Taking a deep breath before I open the door, I can hear the blood rushing in my ears.
I fumble to a stop, my heels unable to stop as quickly as my legs when I see them both sitting on the far side of the conference table. Facing me.
Aiden is sitting back in his chair, his hands casually behind his head, and it makes his dark blue button up pull against his muscular chest. His head tilts to the side as he stares at his brother, who is turned in his seat, facing him.
“I said no.” Aiden sighs before rolling his eyes.
I clear my throat, not having the courage to say anything.
Aiden sits up quickly, removing his hands from behind his head and placing them on the table. His eyes meet mine, and they’re his usual hard eyes, but now I feel like he’s judging me.
I look at his brother, and he clears his throat. It’s crazy scary how identical they are. They both have the same dazzling blue eyes. Square jaw and GQ smile. But Asher doesn’t have any facial hair. He’s been clean shaven for the three months I’ve been here.
“Have a seat, Miss Burns,” Asher orders softly.
“Are you guys firing me?” I ask roughly, wanting to just get this over with.
His brother opens his mouth, but Aiden speaks. “No.” The single word is said as if it’s a challenge to his brother. And I understand the meaning. Asher wants to let me go.
Asher sighs and gestures to the seat across from them. “Please sit.”
I make my way to the chair and fall into it, dropping my purse at my feet.
“Aiden has filled me in on what took place last night,” Asher informs me.
I swallow. “I didn’t do it—”
“We both believe you,” he interrupts me. “But he made a call,” he says through gritted teeth, and I feel like whoever he called cost them both. “And I made another one this morning. And although that seemed to have bought you some time, they won’t drop the charges.”
My heart pounds at his words. “Why not?”
“Because they have probable cause with evidence …”
“Bullshit!” I say, standing quickly. “I’ve never had sex for money,” I all but shout.
“Hadley.” Aiden says my name softly, and my watering eyes shoot to his. So do his brother’s, but his are large in surprise. Mr. Kyle never calls me Hadley. The first time had been last night when I was getting arrested, and that was a growl. This was almost … lovingly. “We know you’re not a prostitute,” he adds.
“Then why are we here?” I hate that my hands are shaking. Aiden looks down at them, and his jaw tightens when he sees the very visible marks that remain.
“We’re here because Aiden has asked me to represent you,” Mr. Kyle says.
“Isn’t there a law against that? I work here.” I state the obvious.
He nods. “There are rules, but I can get around them. That’s what I’m paid to do.” He gives me an evil smile, and it makes him look just like Aiden—crooked and gorgeous.
At the mention of money, my shoulders drop. “How much?” I ask the same question I asked Aiden last night, and I plan on doing anything and everything I can to physically pay him so I don’t have to spread my legs for Aiden. Just ’cause I fantasize about it doesn’t mean I have the guts to go through with it.
“Aiden is taking care of it,” he says.
Shit! I fall onto my ass and let out a long breath, but I don’t miss Aiden’s winning smile. He really is a bastard.
“Why would they think you’re a prostitute?” Asher asks.
I place my head in my hands and sigh. “I don’t know.”
“This is serious!” Aiden snaps.
“Don’t you think I know that?” I snap back, looking up at him. “My ass almost got arrested last night for something I didn’t do. And it’s a very big possibility that it still may happen.”
“It won’t.” He growls.
I snort. “You can’t promise that, Mr. Kyle.”
“Guys, calm down.” His brother raises his right hand. “As far as work goes, Aiden says no one was here to see it. Have you told anyone?”
I shake my head quickly. “No one.”
He nods as if that satisfies him. “No one in this office needs to know.”
I agree!
“That way there is no conflict of interest. And that way, others won’t question what is going on.”
I nod. “Thank you.”
He stands. “But as your attorney, I need to be honest with you.”
“Asher,” Aiden growls his name in warning.
He looks at him over his shoulder. “You asked me to help her. This is me doing just that.”
“What?” I ask. My eyes going back and forth between them.
He looks back at me. “I think you should turn yourself in.”
“That would be admitting they are right. And they are wrong,” I say through clenched teeth.
He snorts. “This isn’t about right or wrong. A first-time offense is usually a class A misdemeanor with a maximum fine of twenty-five hundred dollars.”
“I can’t believe this,” I mumble.
He continues. “And up to a year in jail.”
“Jail?” I shriek.
My boss shakes his head. “You’re not going to jail.”
“I need all the evidence you can get me to prove your innocence if it goes to trial.”
“Unlikely,” Aiden argues.
Trial? My breath leaves my lungs. I didn’t think it would get that far. Could they possibly find me guilty and put me away?
“They won’t give up. They will come back here for you. But if you turn yourself in, then there will be no reason for them to come looking for you.” Asher informs me.
I watch as her eyes start to well up with tears. She stares ahead as if she doesn’t really see us. Her mind is going a hundred different ways right now, and I hate the look of brokenness on her face. Her lips part, and her breathing picks up.
“Get out,” I order my brother.
He turns to glare at me. “You’re an attorney. Think like one,” he snaps.
“I am. Get the fuck out!” It’s a lie, and he knows it. I’m thinking about the beautiful blonde in front of me who feels cornered. She doesn’t have a way out.
He stands and walks out, shutting the door behind him. Getting up, I make my way around the table and kneel beside her. “Hadley?”
She ignores me as tears slowly run down her face. “Hadley?” I say a little louder. “Hadley?” I shout when she doesn’t respond. Her eyes very slowly move to meet mine. “It’s gonna be okay,” I say, but I’m lying. I have no idea what this woman has gotten into. I believe her when she says she isn’t a prostitute, but for them to say they have evidence just doesn’t make sense.
“Why don’t you just fire me and save yourself the trouble
,” she whispers.
If only she knew how many times I’ve tried to do that over the last three months. “Because I like a challenge.”
She shakes her head. “I’m a lost cause. You heard your bother. They have evidence …”
“They think they have evidence,” I correct her. “We can prove them wrong.”
I reach up and cup her face in my hand, and her eyes widen in surprise. I’m tired of hiding my attraction to her. Hell, I just told her last night that I wanted to fuck her. I want her to know I wasn’t joking.
She swallows nervously. “About that one night—”
“I don’t want one night,” I interrupt her, and she lets out a long breath as if relieved that I no longer want to spend a night with her. However, what I want is more. “I want a weekend.”
Her eyes widen, and she shoots to her feet, drawing in a long breath. “This isn’t some joke, Mr. Kyle.”
“I’m not laughing, Miss Burns.”
She fists her hands down by her side. “This is absurd,” she all but shouts. “I work for you …”
I step up into her, and her words trail off. “Gonna quit, Miss Burns?” I arch a brow, and she narrows her eyes on me. “Maybe sue me?” I shrug, and she huffs. Leaning in to whisper in her ear, I hear her suck in long breath. “You have other options, Hadley, but only one is gonna get you what we both want.” Then I walk out, leaving her standing there drilling holes into the back of my head.
ONCE AGAIN, I’VE AVOIDED HIM ALL day. I’ve kept myself locked in my office, but I’m tired of hiding. I feel like I’m going crazy. I haven’t been able to work because all of I have been able to think about is my boss and me. Naked. Together. For an entire weekend.
Then my brain reminds me of the alternative—a prison cell.
I’m just not sure which one is worse. With either one, I lose my dignity. My freedom. And my mind.
I hang my head, letting it hit my desk, and sigh when my cell rings. Lifting my head slowly, I see that it’s Andrea.
“Hello?” I answer.
“Hey, girl,” she greets me with her soft voice. “How is your day going?”
Tears start to threaten my eyes, and I sniff. “Grrreatt,” I mumble through a sob that I try to keep down. I’m losing my shit!
“What’s wrong, Hadley?” she asks, her voice higher than usual. “Is it the jackass?” she asks, already knowing what can get me so wound up. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve cried because of him.
“Did he fire you? Are you okay?” she demands. “Girl, I will knock his teeth out.”
I laugh at her statement. “No.” I wipe the tears from my face. “Yes.” I sigh.
“Talk to me, Had. What can I do?”
“Nothing,” I say softly. Looking down at my desk, I’m thinking I should have called in sick today.
“You’re lying.” She sighs. “Talk to me.”
I close my eyes and let out a long breath. “I got arrested last night—”
“What?” she shouts, interrupting me. “That dick got you arrested?”
“No,” I say quickly. “He actually kept me from being booked.”
“You’re not making any sense, Had.”
I lean back in my chair, and explain my night in agonizing detail along with what I walked into this morning when I got to work.
“That is sexual harassment,” she snaps. “He can’t force you to do anything.”
“But I owe him—”
“You don’t owe him shit,” she interrupts me.
I smile at what a great best friend she is.
“Hadley, listen to me. I can help you. You don’t need his or his brother’s help. Just quit. I will help you with an attorney. We will find one who actually has some morals,” she says the last part with disgust.
I laugh at that. “They’re the best at what they do.”
“Bullshit,” she hisses. “Listen, I’m gonna call in to work tonight and come over to see you. We’ll figure it out.”
I’ll text her later that I can’t do that. But for now, I’ll let her think that that’s the plan. “You’re the best friend a girl can ask for,” I say with all seriousness.
She lets out a long breath. “I love you, Had. And it’s gonna be okay.”
“I love you too,” I tell her, and we say our goodbyes.
Placing my phone down on my desk, I pick up my coffee cup, needing more caffeine to find it empty. Guess I’m gonna have to crawl out of my den, after all.
Very quietly, I open my door and peek out. Not seeing anyone in the hallway, I make my way down to the break room, keeping my eyes on the floor to avoid eye contact with anyone.
“Miss Burns?”
My eyes snap up to look at Aiden as he stands at Millie’s desk.
I ignore him as I duck into the break room. Starting the Keurig, I pull out a coffee mug and place it on the counter. Then I open the box of donuts that I brought in this morning, pull one out, and take a big bite. I’m a stress eater, and donuts are life. My body stiffens when I hear the door shut behind me. I know it’s him. My body starts humming whenever he is around.
I jump up and gasp when he smacks my ass. Hard. “Excuse you!” I snap and turn to face him, shocked that he touched me in such a way. Thankfully, no one else is in here. I don’t want it going around the office that I’m screwing my boss.
He smirks down at me, and although I hate him right now, it makes my panties wet. “What? Don’t like being spanked?” He makes a tsking sound with his tongue as if disappointed in my reaction. “Like I said before, you’re too innocent …”
“What I like is none of your business,” I snap, my chest heaving at his audacity. Without thought, I reach back and rub the sting and hate how much my insides tighten from the thought of him doing it to me again. Why did that turn me on? “Don’t ever touch me again!” I say, shoving my finger against his chest. Trying to look unaffected.
He reaches up, grabs my arm, and spins me around, pressing my back to his front. My thighs tighten from the force of his strong arm wrapped around me. Is that his dick pressing into my ass? Dear God, he’s hard …
He leans down, and his breath covers my ear, making me shiver. I can feel his smug smile against my cheek. “I’m allowed to touch what is mine, Hadley.”
My knees buckle, but he manages to keep me upright with his arm around my waist. “Mr. Kyle …” I barely manage to whisper.
“Yes?” he says as his free hand comes up and runs slowly down my arm. It’s innocent, but the softness makes it feel intimate and leaves my skin breaking out in goosebumps.
“I … uh, we …” I can’t form one fucking sentence. My mind is spinning, and my heart racing. “Shouldn’t be doing—”
“We can do anything we want,” he interrupts me.
I suck in a ragged breath, and I can’t help but wiggle my ass against him. He chuckles, and I close my eyes as shame overtakes me. I want my boss, and now there is no denying that. He knows.
“Why are you so against giving in to what we both want?” he asks softly.
I swallow nervously, and then he lets go of me. I wobble but manage to stay upright now that his arm is no longer supporting me.
“Turn around,” he orders.
When I don’t do as he says, his hands land on my shoulders, and he turns me himself. Shame makes me look straight ahead, which is eye level with his dark blue button up that hides his hard chest.
“Look at me.” He issues another order.
“No,” I say, trying to be strong. But as soon as I say the word, my eyes drop down to his black slacks, and I see the outline of his hard dick. And I whimper. Actually fucking whimper. I’m so pathetic.
“Hadley.” He growls my name in warning, and my eyes snap up to his.
His blue eyes are hard, and his chest is rising and falling fast. My face heats with embarrassment.
He lifts his hand, and I hold my breath as he cups my cheek and presses my back ag
ainst the countertop. “Why are you saying no when it’s clear you want it?” he asks.
Don’t admit it out loud.
He smiles as I get lost in the feel of him pressing his cock into me. “You can’t deny it,” he whispers, lowering his lips down to mine.
Holy shit!
He’s gonna kiss me!
Dear God, please kiss me!
Instead, he moves at the last minute and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. Disappointment floods me. He’s just toying with me. He wants to make me look like an idiot. “I know you watched me that night in my office with Kate.”
My body stiffens, and my eyes widen.
He pulls back and smiles down at me. “I left my office door open on purpose.”
“No …”
“I’ve wanted you ever since that day I saw you leaning over your desk in your office trying to clean up your coffee, Hadley.” He brings his bottom lip between his teeth and rolls it around. “I wanted my hands on that ass … Those lips on mine.” He runs the pad of his thumb over my lip, and I close my eyes at the feeling. “I’ve wanted to know what you feel like wrapped around my cock.”
I whimper as my eyes open to look back up at him. “Tell me what I already know,” he urges. “Tell me that you want me, Hadley.”
This gorgeous bastard tricked me. I thought I had been good at hiding my attraction to him, but nope. He’s known all along and played off it. I wish I could be mad, but I’m not. Instead, I’m soaking wet.
I lick my lips, and he watches the action before wrapping his arm around my back and pulling me from the counter to press against him. “Kiss me,” I say, breathlessly lost in the look of his blue eyes and needing it. Tired of fighting my attraction to him anymore.
His hand cupping my cheek goes to the back of my neck, and he pulls me forward. I part my lips as my heart beats wildly against his chest. He leans down, and the door to the break room swings open.
“Shit …” he hisses, pulling back from me.
I shove myself back off his chest and hit the countertop with a thud. My hand swings out to stop me from breaking my back, hitting the coffee cup I had sitting under the Keurig. It falls off the counter and onto the floor.