Donut Overthink It Page 8
“Oh, God!” Millie shrieks loudly. And I’m not sure if it’s the fact I spilled coffee all over the white tile or the fact she saw us almost kissing. “Your client is here, Mr. Kyle.”
He straightens his black tie and clears his throat. “Clean up this mess, Miss Burns.” And then he turns and walks out without so much as a look back.
I grab the roll of paper towels and drop to my knees. “Hadley …”
“Just leave!” I snap at her, trying to calm my racing heart.
I look up in time just to see her walking out and shutting the door behind her.
I sit in the conference room, dick hard and my mind in the gutter. I should have locked the door. I should have taken her into my office, stripped her out of her clothes, and fucked her right then and there. Instead, I put her in a compromising position. The fact I even thought of doing something to her where we could have been caught makes me pissed.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.” I hear my brother say, pulling me out of my thoughts. “What do you think, Aiden?” he asks.
I nod even though I have no clue what he just asked me. The brunette with brown eyes and a scowl on her face stares at me as if she knows that my mind is elsewhere. Her husband sits next to her, his hand in hers.
“How many sexual misconducts are we talking about?” I ask, knowing where the conversation was headed.
“One,” he answers, and his wife snorts.
“She’s lying,” she snaps. He squeezes her hand and then kisses her knuckles. “Can you help us or not?” she demands.
The door opens, and I look up to see Hadley walk in, but she comes to a screeching halt, her eyes on the woman sitting across from me. The woman looks at her for the briefest moment before looking away. The man, however, smiles brightly. “Had,” he says with excitement in his voice.
She stands there stiffer than a board, and I stand. “You okay?”
“I have to go,” she says before spinning on her heels and taking off.
“Excuse me,” I say, following after her. “Miss Burns?” She ignores me as she storms to her office. “Miss Burns,” I holler at her. She continues, but everyone standing in the hallway looks at me. She enters her office, slamming the door behind her.
I shove it open and enter, also slamming it behind me. “What was that?” I demand.
She’s pacing back and forth. Her head down and quietly mumbling to herself. I step in front of her, and she runs right into me. I place my hands on her shoulders to prevent her from moving back. Her body shakes under my hands, and I know it has nothing to do with me almost kissing her minutes ago. “Talk to me,” I order.
She shakes her head. “You’re my boss—”
“That’s right. I am. So fucking tell me what that was back there,” I demand.
She sighs. “Nothing.”
Her eyes narrow on me. “Just because you’re my boss doesn’t mean you’re privy to my life outside this office,” she snaps.
The door to her office opens, and the woman from the conference room stands there. “Miss, give us a moment,” I tell the client. Who the hell does she think she is just walking in here like that?
“Hadley,” she growls.
“You know her?” I can’t help but ask. She didn’t act like she did earlier. But the man had …
My body stiffens at her words, and Aiden looks down at me wide-eyed. I watch her brown eyes go to where his hands are on me, and when they meet mine again, she smiles. I pull away from him, and his hands fall to his sides like they weigh a hundred pounds.
I know what she’s thinking. She thinks I slept my way to this job. My mother always thought I’d be a nobody. Go nowhere. I hate that, in a way, she’s right. I wonder if she knows I was almost arrested for prostitution. I close my eyes and release a long breath when I realize she probably does. My stepdad is a cop, after all.
“My mother is dead,” I reply flatly. Just seeing her here has me wanting to punch her in the face. I can’t even stand to look at this woman. She took everything away from me.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” She huffs.
“Don’t be such a bitch,” I snap back, fisting my hands down by my side.
She takes a step toward me, and Aiden steps between us. “Give us a moment,” he repeats.
My mother stares at me for a long second and then exits the room without another word. “Fucking bitch!” I hiss.
He turns to face me. His blue eyes are the softest I’ve ever seen them, and his plump lips frown. I turn away from him and plop down at my desk. The hits just keep coming. God, I’d rather been in jail than have to see her standing here in my office.
He leans up against the side of my desk and crosses his arms over his large chest. “Talk to me,” he orders.
I snort. “You can’t pressure me into telling you things that you don’t need to know.”
A smirk grows across his face as if what I just said was a challenge. “I can get you to do whatever I want,” he says with pure conviction.
I look away from him because he’s right. Something about this man makes my panties wet and my head spin. I have to stay level-headed.
He walks around my desk, and I look anywhere but at him as my heart starts to pound in my chest at his closeness. Is he going to finish what he started in the break room earlier? I sure wish he would. It’d take my mind off the evil woman standing outside my office door.
I wasn’t lying when I said she’s been dead to me for years. And the last thing I expected was for her to walk into my work and demand to talk to me. We have nothing to say to one another. I told her goodbye a long time ago, and I don’t plan on letting her come back into my life ever.
He places his hand on my shoulder, and I swallow nervously as he pulls my chair backward. Letting go of me, he places his hand on my chin, forcing me to look up. He stares down at me with an expressionless face. “I’ll find out what I want, Miss Burns. I always do.” He turns and walks out, shutting the door behind him.
Shit! I fall back in to my chair and fist my hands in my lap. My mother is here and with her husband, no less. My boss is representing them. And my boss’s brother is representing me in a prostitution case. I’ve officially hit my breaking point. There’s only one thing left to do.
I grab my phone from my desk and message Andrea.
Me: Instead of my apartment, I’ll meet you at Bailey’s.
My right knee bounces as my eyes watch my office door, praying my mother doesn’t come back in here to talk to me. I have nothing to say to her, and I sure as hell don’t want to see her.
Andrea: See you there.
I send her a gif of a wine bottle, and she sends me back one of some shot glasses.
“You’re joking!” Andrea gasps as she sits beside me at the bar.
I set down the glass of my Long Island and look over at her. “No,” I say, shaking my head. “Thankfully, she never spoke to me again. I stayed locked in my office until the end of the day.”
“I wonder what they were there for?” she muses as she sips on hers.
I shrug. “Don’t know. Don’t care.”
She sets her glass down and sighs. “What about your boss?”
“What about him?” The thought of him has me taking another sip.“You’re not going to do it, are you?” she asks, referring to our phone call earlier today. “Sleep with Mr. Douche?”
I take another sip. “Probably,” I say truthfully, and she shakes her head in disappointment.
“He can’t do that, Hadley. You can sue him for sexual harassment,” she reminds me.
“I know …”
“Maybe he’s trying to force you into bed, so he can fire you. I mean, you signed a no fraternizing with co-workers.”
“I know …”
“I’ve done my fair share of sleeping arou
nd.” I raise my brows, and she rolls her eyes. “Okay. Okay, some might even go as far to call me a slut. But everyone I sleep with is because I wanted them. Not because they forced their way into my pants.”
“But I do,” I mumble before taking another drink.
She snorts. “Then you’ll have no job and possibly be in jail.”
“One doesn’t seem worse than the other at the moment.”
She sighs heavily, understanding my dilemma. “What about those pictures?”
“What about them?” I ask, looking down at my phone. It blinks, notifying me of a message. I open it up to see a man from the dating app has sent me a request. I ignore it.
“Did you find out who sent them?”
I shake my head and take another drink.
She frowns. “I told you those were important.”
I shrug. “It was probably just some ex of my boss stalking him. Wouldn’t be the first time a Kyle boy has pissed off a woman who wants his head on a silver platter.”
I sit behind my desk, and a very angry woman’s voice fills my office. “I need to speak to him!” she demands. “Get Kyle now!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but Mr. Kyle is out of the office today.”
“Bullshit!” she hisses. “I’m down here in the garage staring at his car.”
My eyes widen. “Uh …”
“So you tell that fucking bastard that if he doesn’t call me back in five minutes, I’m going to slash every fucking tire, so when he goes to leave, he will have no other option but to face me,” she shouts before the line goes dead.
I get up from my desk and make my way down to his office, but he’s not there. “Where is Mr. Kyle?” I ask Millie as she sits behind her desk. I know he’s not in court.
“In his father’s office.”
I nod and thank her before heading to the other end of the thirtieth floor. It gets confusing having three Mr. Kyles working here. I’ve only been here three weeks so far, but I have found Mr. Kyle Sr. to be the nicest of them by far.
I knock on the door and hear his deep voice. “Come in.”
I walk in to see Mr. Kyle Sr. Sitting behind his desk with a bright smile on his face. My boss sits in a high back chair with his back toward me. And his twin brother, Asher, stands leaning against the wall, not looking as chipper as his father.
“What can I do for you, Miss Burns?” Mr. Kyle Sr. asks, and that causes my boss to turn around in his chair to face me.
I clear my throat, nervous to be in a room with all three of them. Just being around one is intimidating, but three? It has my tits sweating.
“Mr. Kyle …?”
“What is it, Miss Burns?” my boss asks, standing up and buttoning the single button on his black suit jacket.
“May I speak to you for a moment? We have a situation,” I say as my eyes go to all three men. They all three have those same blue eyes. And my first thought is what a waste they are. Such beautiful features on such dicks. Well, except for Kyle Sr. but he’s way out of my age range.
“Whatever it is, you can say in here,” Mr. Kyle Sr. encourages, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.
I look at my boss and shuffle from foot to foot. He hates me. And Bianca, Asher’s assistant, told me that I’ve been here the longest of any of his assistants in a while. Will he fire me for not handling it on my own? I’m not sure what the protocol is with his crazy lovers.
“Miss Burns?” he barks at me.
“A woman just called for you, and when I told her you were away from the office, she proceeded to tell me that I was lying and that she is down in the garage threatening to slash all your tires if you don’t return her phone calls,” I finish and take a deep breath.
His eyes narrow on me as if I’m the one threatening to ruin his precious car, and his father stands from his desk. “What?” he demands. “Who is this woman?”
“She said her name was Maddison.”
“Shit!” Asher hisses before he pushes off the wall and runs out of his father’s office, passing me as if the building just went up in flames.
I watch the door close behind him and frown. “I, uh …” Looking back at my boss and his father, I say, “I’m confused.”
“Madison was not calling to speak to me,” my boss informs me.
“But she said …” She had said Kyle. She never said it was Aiden. She thought she was talking to Asher’s assistant, Bianca, which means she was probably a one-night stand last night since she had no clue he had a brother and father who works here with the same last name. “I apologize,” I say, biting my bottom lip nervously.
“No need to apologize,” Mr. Kyle Sr. says, taking his seat once again. “If my sons would have some manners, then the women wouldn’t have to go to such lengths to get their attention.”
My boss sits back down in his chair as well, giving me his back, and speaks. “You may go, Miss Burns.” He dismisses me with a flick of his wrist.
That was when I found out that Asher was just as big of a manwhore as Aiden. They are one and the same.
Andrea rolls her eyes, getting my attention. “This guy is such a prick, Hadley. Just quit.” She reaches out to grab my hand and gently squeezes it. “I will help you find another job.”
“At this point, I almost want to stay there just to rub my ass in his face every day,” I say, and her eyes narrow on me. She knows I’m gonna give it up. I can’t fool her.
“You’ll sleep with him,” she states, and I shrug my shoulder before taking another gulp of my drink.
“You’ve never seen him,” I argue.
“No man is that hot, Hadley. Attitude has a lot to do with it. And it wouldn’t matter what he looks like; I know what kind of person he is, and he’s an ass.”
I finish off my Long Island as I close my eyes, and my thighs tighten again at what he did to me in the break room today. “You don’t understand.”
She shakes her head. “I don’t.”
I sit back as she raises her hand to signal for me another drink, and I lick my lips. My head’s a little foggy. I think I’m getting drunk.
I pull my cell out and stare at his number. “Put that away before you do something that you shouldn’t,” she says with a chuckle. “When was the last time you had sex?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” I say honestly.
“Then it’s been too long,” she says matter-of-factly. She nods her head to the guy sitting at the bar across from us. “Look at that guy. You could take him home tonight.”
“You don’t know that.”
She snorts as the bartender hands us two new drinks. I lift mine to take a sip.
“Look at him. He’s staring at your tits like he’s still breastfeeding.”
I spit my drink out across the bar. “Gross, Andrea.”
“What? He’s the one doing it. I’m just pointing it out.” She picks up her new drink. “Just saying you don’t have to spread your legs for the jackass when there are so many other guys who will fuck you just as good, if not better, and you won’t have to put up with their shit every day afterward.” She winks at me and then throws her drink back. Once she places it on the bar, she raises her hand for the bartender. “Two shots of tequila.”
I get off the elevator and walk into the office on a mission. Two things on my mind. One, it’s Friday, and two, my assistant.
“Good morning, Mr. Kyle.”
“Is Miss Burns in her office?” I ask, passing Millie’s desk
“Yes,” she calls out as I continue down the hallway, passing my office as well.
I walk into hers without even knocking and slam it behind me. She had a cup of coffee to her lips, but it dribbles down her chin when I barge in.
“Mr. Kyle.” She stands quickly, wiping the liquid off her chin with the back of her hand.
My cock immediately hardens at the sight of her. She has her blond hair up in a tight bun, her lips painted a soft pink color, and she’s wearing my favorite dress. It’s a coral color
with a thick gold belt high on her waist. I love the way it makes her tan skin glow.
“Ready, Miss Burns?” I question, coming up to her.
“Ready for what?” she asks, looking at me wide-eyed. “What are you doing here? I thought you had court this morning?”
I nod. “I did.”
“Then why are you here?”
I reach out for her, but she pulls back as if afraid of me. I smile. “I thought we were over this playing hard to get? After all, you owe me …”
She shakes her head quickly. “I’m trying to keep this professional.”
I laugh as I take another step toward her, and this time, she has nowhere to go since she is backed against the wall. “Professional?” Lifting my hand, I cup her face, and her body sags against me. “Telling me that you want to fall to your knees and run your tongue along the shaft of my cock is anything but professional, Miss Burns.” My dick swells at that visual she gave me last night.
“What?” She gasps.
Her blue eyes are wide staring into mine, and I realize that she must not remember all those texts she sent me last night. I smile. This could be fun. I lean in and whisper in her ear. “And I imagine fucking your pussy just as much as I do your mouth.”
“Mr. Kyle …” she breathes as she shudders.
“You’re not gonna stop me, Hadley,” My free hand goes to her hip. “I’m gonna finish what I started the other day …” I slowly lean my lips down to hers.
“Mr. Kyle?”
She pulls away from me, and I growl, turning to face her door that is now open with Millie standing inside her office. “What?” I snap. This is the second time she’s interrupted us.
Her eyes go from mine to Hadley then back to mine. “There are two officers here.” Hadley gasps. “And they are looking for Miss Burns.”
My teeth grind together. “Send them to my office.”
She looks between us quickly once again and then shuts the door. I turn to face her. “Grab what you need and leave.”
“But …”
“Fucking leave, Hadley,” I snap. When she just stands there, I bend down and pick up her purse and her phone from her desk and hand them to her. “Go home. I’ll call you after they leave. Understood?”